The Wartburg Project

Contact Us

Feel free to contact us about the Wartburg Project. We’re happy to provide more information, arrange interviews, and discuss works using the Evangelical Heritage Version. We are also interested in your suggestions. Please follow the guidelines below for submitting input.

Guidelines for Popular Input & Suggestions

We want the Wartburg Project translation of God’s holy Word to be accurate and readable.  We want pastors and members to recognize it as appropriate for reading from lectern, pulpit, and pew. If you provide input, please understand that the editors will not be able to respond to comments immediately. We will take the comments into account, but it might not be feasible for us to reply to all of them. If we have a follow-up question, we will contact you. In some cases, the input is taken into account by a committee. It won’t be feasible to explain every decision to everyone. Thank you for understanding.

When giving suggestions, or comments, please follow these guidelines:

  1. Begin with the verse reference. For example:

    1 John 2:2 suggestion…
    1 John 2:3 suggestion…

  2. Please do not simply say, “I don’t like this phrase,” but briefly explain why and then…

  3. Supply a suggested wording that you think would be an improvement.

3652 92nd Place
Sturtevant, WI 53177