Meet the Editors
Professor John F. Brug serves as the General Editor and Old Testament Editor of Project Wartburg. He taught Old Testament and Christian Doctrine at Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary for more than thirty years. He has a Ph. D in Semitic languages and archaeology from the Center for Ancient Studies of the University of Minnesota. His Old Testament writings include commentaries on the Hebrew text of Psalms and the Song of Solomon as well as a textbook on Old Testament textual criticism. He served as the editor of Wisconsin Lutheran Quarterly for more than twenty years. Before coming to Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary he served as a professor at Dr. Martin Luther College in New Ulm, Minnesota and as a home mission pastor in Pennsylvania where he started three new congregations. In addition to his teaching at WLS he has taught short-term at six other seminaries around the world.
To read Prof. Brug’s “Principles and Practices of Biblical Translation,” click here.
To read Prof. Brug’s “Principles of Bible Translation–Applied to Prophecy, 2nd Edition,” click here.
Pastor Brian R. Keller serves as the New Testament Editor of the Wartburg Project. He serves as the Pastor of St. Stephen Ev. Lutheran Church (WELS) in Adrian, Michigan. He also serves as the Circuit Pastor of the River Raisin Circuit in the Michigan District of WELS. He has served as pastor of two other congregations in the past: King of Kings Ev. Lutheran Church (WELS) in Little Rock, Arkansas, and Our Savior Ev. Lutheran Church (WELS) in Strongsville, Ohio. He is the author of the People’s Bible Teachings volume on the “Bible” (Northwestern Publishing House, © 2002). He also wrote the People’s Bible Teachings book on “Heaven and Hell” (Northwestern Publishing House, © 2008). He assembled the list of “Dates and Locations of New Testament Manuscripts” for Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary and pastors of WELS.* He has written several articles on the New Testament for Wisconsin Lutheran Quarterly. He participated in the Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary Translation Symposium, and was asked to write an essay for discussion at that Symposium: “Evaluating Bible Translations.”** He has presented on the topic of Evaluating Bible Translations to five WELS Pastors’ Conferences and the Today’s Christian Women’s Retreat.
*For a copy of “Dates and Locations of New Testament Manuscripts,” click here.
**For a copy of the essay: “Evaluating Bible Translations,” click here.