The Wartburg Project

June 25th, 2024

107. How many women were at the tomb on Easter?

How many women were at the tomb on Easter? The lists seem confusing.

The Women Around Jesus

There were many women who were touched by Jesus’ ministry—enough to be the subject of a book. Most important of course was his mother Mary. Second most prominent—Mary Magdalene. Also the many women Jesus healed. In this FAQ we will discuss only the women who were present at the cross and at the tomb on Good Friday and Easter.

The Women of Easter

In the different Gospels the lists of the women who were present on Good Friday and in the Easter story are not identical, so the lists raise some questions about how many women were present and who they were.

The lists in Matthew and Mark seem to name three women: 1. Mary Magdalene, named in both lists; 2. Mary the mother of James and Joseph = Mary the mother of James the Less (or Younger) and of Joses; and 3. the mother of the sons of Zebedee = Salome. It appears that there were other women present besides those named.

Here the question is whether there are three women or four. Are Jesus’ mother’s sister and Mary wife of Clopas the same person? Is Mary the wife of Clopas also the mother of James and Joseph? Is Mary’s sister Salome? It is possible that the list in John 19:25 refers to the same individuals as the previous lists, plus Mary, the mother of Jesus, who is added to the list because of Jesus’ words of her and the apostle John.

The women are not named in Luke’s Easter account until verse 24:10:

In Luke 24:10 an additional woman is named, Joanna. Again the account mentions that other women were present.

This provides more information about some of the women and adds another name, Susanna.

It seems there were five women named in the Easter accounts (Mary Magdalene, Mary mother of James and Joses, Mary wife of Clopas, Salome, and Joanna) but other women also seem to have been present. Here is a summary of the common understanding about them.

Mary Magdalene

Mary (mother of James and Joses/Joseph)

Mary (wife of Clopas)


Salome (mother of James and John)


Joanna (wife of Cuza)


Mary (mother of Jesus, wife and widow of Joseph of Nazareth)


The data is not sufficient for us to be certain of all the suggested identifications.