Old Testament

Hosea 14
Return to the Lord!
141Israel, return to the Lord your God,
for you have stumbled because of your guilt.
2Take words with you[] and return to the Lord.
Say to him, “Forgive all our guilt,
and receive us graciously,
and let us present the fruit of our lips as bulls.[]
3Assyria cannot save us.
We will not ride on horses.
We will no longer call the work of our hands our gods!
For in you the fatherless child finds compassion.”
4I will cure them of their unfaithfulness.
I will love them freely,
for my anger has turned away from them.
5I will be refreshing like dew to Israel.
He will blossom like a lily.
He will take root like a cedar of Lebanon.
6His young shoots will sprout.
His beauty will be like an olive tree.
His fragrance like a cedar of Lebanon.
7Those who live in his shade will once again grow grain.
They will blossom like a grape vine.
His fame will be like the wine of Lebanon.
8Ephraim, how much more do I have to put up with from idols?
I am the one who has answered, and I look after him.
I am like a fresh fir tree.
Your fruit comes from me.
9Who is wise? Let him understand these things.
Who is discerning? Let him know them.
For the ways of the Lord are right,
and the righteous walk in them,
but the rebellious stumble in them.


  • 14:2 Or prepare a speech or take back your words
  • 14:2 The text and meaning of this line are uncertain.