241Why are appointments never scheduled by the Almighty?
Why do those who know him never see such days?
2People move boundary stones.
They steal a flock and take it to pasture.
3They drive away donkeys that belong to the fatherless.
They seize the widow's ox as collateral.
4They shove the poor out of the way.
The oppressed people of the land hide together.
5They go out to their labor, like wild donkeys in the wilderness, looking for food.
The wasteland is their only source of food for themselves and their children.
6They gather their straw in the open countryside.
They glean leftovers in the vineyard of the wicked.
7They spend the night naked, without clothing.
They have no covering from the cold.
8They are soaked by heavy rain from the mountains.
They cling to a cliff for shelter.
9The wicked tear away a fatherless child from its mother's breast.
They take a poor mother's nursing baby as collateral.
10The poor walk around naked, without clothing.
They pick up sheaves but are still hungry.
11They press olive oil among the terraces of olive trees.
They tread winepresses, but they remain thirsty.
12The dying people[] of the city groan, and wounded souls cry out for help,
but God does not bring charges against anyone.
13There are people who rebel against the light.
They do not acknowledge its ways or dwell in its paths.
14At the end of the daylight[] a murderer arises, and he kills the poor and needy.
At night he acts as a thief.
15The eye of an adulterer keeps watch for twilight.
He says, “No eye can get a good look at me.”
He wears a mask over his face.
16In the dark of night he digs into houses.
By day such people hide inside.
They keep away from the light.
17For all of them, morning is their darkness.[] They are familiar with the sudden terror of darkness.
18They float by like foam on the surface of the water.
Their portion of the land is cursed,
so no one turns onto the road to their vineyards.
19As drought and heat snatch away the water from the snow,
the grave snatches away a sinner.
20The womb forgets him.
A worm finds him sweet.
He will no longer be remembered.
Wickedness is broken like a tree.
21He feeds on[] the childless woman, and he does nothing good for the widow.
22But God drags away the mighty by his strength.
He rises up, so the wicked have no confidence in their lives.
23God lets them be secure, and they prop themselves up,
but God's eyes are on their ways.
24They are high and mighty for a little while,
but then they are gone.
They are brought low like all the rest.
They are gathered together, like ears of grain that have been cut off.
25So then, who can make me out to be a liar?
Who can reduce my words to nothing?