Old Testament

Job 31
Job's Standards and Practice of Morality
311I have made a covenant with my eyes.
How then could I stare at a virgin with desire?
2If I did, what reward would I receive from God above?
What inheritance from the Almighty on high?
3Is not ruin the reward for the wicked,
and misfortune the reward for evildoers?
4But doesn't God see my ways?
Doesn't he count my every step?
5Have I walked with deceit and lies?
Has my foot hurried to pursue fraud?
6If God weighs me on an honest scale,
he will know my integrity.
7If my footsteps have slipped off the path,
if my heart has pursued things desired by my eyes,
if anything corrupt has stuck to my palms,
8then let someone else eat what I have sown.
Let my crops be uprooted.
9If my heart has been enticed by a woman,
if I have lurked at my neighbor's doorway,
10let my wife grind for another,
and let other men crouch down over her.
11For that would have been shameful behavior,
a guilty deed worthy of judgment.
12There is a fire that consumes all the way to hell,[]
that would completely burn up all my harvest.
13If I have denied justice to my male servants
or to my female servants in their disputes with me,
14then what would I do when God arises,
when he comes to call me to account?
How could I respond to him?
15Didn't he who made me in the womb also make my servant?
Didn't the same God fashion us both in the womb?
16If I have withheld from the poor what they desired,
if I have darkened the eyes of the widow,
17if I have eaten my food all by myself
and have not shared it with the fatherless—
18No, from the time of my youth, the fatherless child grew up with me,
and I was like a father to him.
From the womb of my mother I guided the widow.
19If I saw anyone perishing from lack of clothing,
if the needy had nothing to wear,
20his very body blessed me,
as he was warmed by the wool from my sheep.
21If I raised my hand against the fatherless child,
because I had influence in the court at the city gate,
22then let my shoulder be knocked out of its socket,
and let my upper arm be broken.
23Now doom from God terrifies me,
and I cannot endure his majesty.
24If I placed my confidence in gold,
and if I said to pure gold, “You are my security,”
25if I rejoiced because I was so rich
and because my hand had obtained so much,
26if I saw the shining sun and the moon moving in its splendor,
27if my heart was gullible enough to worship them in secret,
and I kissed my hand to honor them,
28that would have made me guilty and deserving of judgment,
for I would have denied God above.
29If I rejoiced at the misfortune of someone who hates me,
or I was thrilled because trouble caught up with him—
30But no, I have not savored sin by asking for a curse on his life.
31Did the men in my tent ever have to say
that there was someone who had not been filled with meat from Job?[]
32No stranger ever had to spend the night outside.
I have opened my door to the traveler.
33If I had covered up my sin like Adam[]
and had hidden my guilt in my heart,
34because I was frightened of the crowd,
and the contempt of the clans filled me with terror,
so that I was silent and I did not go out of a door—
35Oh how I wish I had someone to listen to me!
Look, here is my seal on my testimony.
Let the Almighty answer me!
Let me see the written indictment from my accuser.
36I would lift it up on my shoulder.
I would place it on my head as a crown.
37I would account to him for every single step.
I would approach him like the chief of a tribe.
38If my soil cries out against me,
and its furrows weep because of me,
39if I have consumed its wealth without paying for it,
if I have caused the death of its owners,
40then let a thorn bush grow up instead of wheat,
and stinkweeds instead of barley.
The words of Job are concluded.


  • 31:12 Or destruction. The Hebrew reads Abaddon.
  • 31:31 The meaning of this verse is uncertain.
  • 31:33 Or as people do