Psalm 76
The God of Victory
For the choir director. With stringed instruments.
A psalm by Asaph. A song.
God's Fame
1God is known in Judah. In Israel his name is great.
2His shelter is in Salem. His dwelling place is in Zion.
God's Victory
3There he broke the flaming arrows,
the shield and the sword, and the weapons for battle. Interlude
4You shine brightly as the Mighty One
from the mountains full of prey.
5The strong-hearted are plundered.
They have fallen into their final sleep.
Not one of the strong men can lift his hands.
6At your rebuke,[] O God of Jacob, both chariot and horses sleep. 7You are to be feared, yes, you.
Who can stand before you at the time of your wrath?
8From heaven you announced judgment.
The earth feared and was quiet
9when you rose up to judge, O God,
and to save all the afflicted of the earth. Interlude
God's Fame
10Even the wrath of mankind[] will bring you praise. You wear what remains of your wrath like a belt.
11Make vows to the Lord your God and fulfill them.
Let all who are around him bring tribute to the one who is fearsome.
12He restrains the spirit of nobles.
He is fearsome against the kings of the earth.